Hi there! Over the years, I have shared a lot of pharmacy residency tips on Instagram and wanted a place to anchor them and show you how you can find them on my Instagram!
They are located on a feature on Instagram named Instagram Highlights and Guides. Keep reading for specifics on how to get there and which icons to click. First, You’ll need to head over to my Instagram and then find the highlights pictured below and you’ll see all the content!
IG highlights
- The first one is called ‘Rx Resi Help’
- The second one is called ‘Organization’

IG Guides – most of these link out to my blog
- The first one is called ‘Residency Apps & Interviews’
- The second one is called ‘Surviving Residency’
- The third one is called ‘Searching for Residency’

Hope this is helpful if you’re looking for more tips and tricks!

Things to Do: Residency Application Process
Pharmacy Residency Search: Finding Programs & Narrowing Down Your List
The Number of Co-residents in a PGY-1 Pharmacy Residency: Why it’s Important and How to Decide
Staffing During Pharmacy Residency: Should it Factor into Your Decision?
Mid-Year Tips (Virtual Edition)
Top Tips for Pharmacy Residency Interviews #InterviewSZN
Guide to Letters of Recommendation